Cost of Living (TCG Edition) by Martyna Majok

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  • Cost of Living (TCG Edition)
  • Martyna Majok
  • Page: 128
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9781559365970
  • Publisher: Theatre Communications Group

Download Cost of Living (TCG Edition)

Audio books download android Cost of Living (TCG Edition)

Cost of Living (TCG Edition) by Martyna Majok Winner of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Drama Overworked but struggling, Jess takes a job as a caregiver for John, a brusque but bright graduate student who has cerebral palsy. Eddie is an unemployed truck driver who reaches a fragile détente with his estranged wife Ani after a devastating car accident requires her to go through a double above-the-knee amputation. With an unsentimental but keen eye, Majok deftly challenges the typical perceptions of those living with disabilities and delves deep into the ways class, race, nationality, and wealth (or lack thereof) can create gulfs between people, even as they long for the ability to connect.

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